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Seattle Celebrates DATA Act Anniversary

City data leaders gather for a photo at the new Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center on Pennsylvania Avenue. Photo courtesy of the Bloomberg Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University. This week, City of Seattle staff joined leaders from across the country in Washington, D.C. to celebrate and reflect… [ Keep reading ]

No Drill Sergeant Required: How Public Art Boot Camp Helps Early Career Artists Get in Shape

In nearly every profession, there is a chicken and egg problem: experience helps applicants get a job, but without the first job, how does one acquire experience? Public art is no different in that regard. Public art, and the art world overall, are predominately White in terms of administration, policy,… [ Keep reading ]

Northeastern University students use Seattle open data to research solutions to advance energy efficiency

On March 22, City of Seattle staff joined graduate students and faculty at Northeastern University to kick off the “Needle in a Hack Stack” Hackathon competition at Northeastern’s campus in the heart of South Lake Union. The hackathon presented students with a set of problem statements to choose from to… [ Keep reading ]

Audit Your Way to the Top: How Seattle IT Maximized WMBE Spending

The City of Seattle has a long legislative track record supporting equity in contracting and creating intentional efforts to ensure that women and minority-owned business enterprises (WMBEs) receive their fair share of public contracts. A City Council ordinance established this goal in 2004, and multiple mayors have reaffirmed it since… [ Keep reading ]

Performance Spotlight:  ‘Healthy Streets’ create more permanent outdoor space for Seattle neighborhoods

During stay-at-home orders at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, people had limited safe options to recreate, exercise, and socialize. This was especially true for those with limited access to private and public outdoor space. In response, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) upgraded over 25 miles of Neighborhood Greenways… [ Keep reading ]

Performance Spotlight: Equity Enhancements Promote College Success for Seattle Promise Scholars Impacted by COVID-19

About Seattle Promise: Seattle Promise is a voter-approved Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy-funded college success program provided in partnership by the Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL), Seattle Colleges, and Seattle Public Schools. The program offers Seattle public school graduates two years (or 90 credits) of free… [ Keep reading ]

Data to Action: Seattle’s Winter Weather Response Map

Seattle is famous for many things: world-class coffee, hospitals, music, tech, outdoor recreation, the list goes on. We are also a famously difficult place to go out driving in the snow. Anyone who has braved our steep hills during a snow or ice storm knows that our landscape makes for… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle’s unified benefits application tool recognized by Anthem Awards

CiviForm, the City of Seattle’s unified benefits application tool, was recognized today with a 2024 Anthem Award. The program makes it easier for residents to find and apply for multiple City discounts and benefits in one place. It received a Silver Award in the Humanitarian Action & Services – Product… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Light leans into efficiencies, time savings in contracting

Navigating bureaucratic processes can sometimes feel daunting, especially in the often complex world of contracting. But departments across the City of Seattle are working to make it easier for people to do business with the City. Take Seattle City Light, for instance. The utility’s Procurement Unit has shifted its method… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle announces winners of first Open Data Mini-Hackathon, launches One Seattle Data Strategy

Today, the City of Seattle hosted a mini-hackathon competition to engage data scientists, students, and community members with the City’s Open Data portal as part of the new One Seattle Data Strategy. The event was held at Tableau’s Fremont headquarters, hosted by Salesforce. The mini-hackathon challenged participants to build a… [ Keep reading ]